Home Page > Portfolio > Images > "ONE VISION Vol. 1"


I contributed to this wonderful zine with my fiance! He and I both wrote some words, and I got to contribute some of my designer-ly chops to this thing. How much we contributed... that's for you to decide. But most of the words are not ours to claim.

The zine is free to download down below in both a digital and printer-friendly version that should be able to print on any standard-Letter-size 8.5x11" sheet of paper. Please, share it around; also please, don't link back to me! The information is not mine - I don't own it and it has exited my hands. We plan to make more... maybe not for a while, but eventually. Keep in touch.

ONE VISION Vol. 1 - Digital Ver. [1.58 MB] ⤓
ONE VISION Vol. 1 - Print Ver. [11.4 MB] ⤓

A couple months ago, a decision was struck to make an anti-racism zine from some materials found in the back of the library. We'd found stacks of bindings and loose newspapers from Canadian Native and Inuit tribes, bands, communities, and individuals, all stacked up in dust-collecting piles. They were - they are! - so dense with emotion and turmoil, with voice and soul, with knowledge and value, that we just wanted these words to be read. So, many hours of curating later, we come away with only a miniscule vertical slice of the power that the voices of the Native peoples of Turtle Island have held, do hold, should hold, and continue to fight for - one shared vision. As such, many of the designs and words highlight the relevance of the old voices and their aged (but still pertinent and poigniant) wisdom. Hopefully that classic photocopied zine style comes across well while still, most importantly, highlighting the ideas housed inside.

If I had to say what the "target audience" would be, it'd be your average left-leaning individual residing in the states known as "Canada" and "the United States of America" who has a desire to become more knowledgable of the struggles and liberty of Native peoples across the continent, but is caught on some colonial and liberal ideals that conflict with that desire. The hope is to get people listening to Native voices and hearing their issues from their mouth, and not just from some second-hand news source that has become so unreliable in our desolate information dark age. The first step is to just read the darn thing, because you should, because you should care, because you should get involved... but start at reading it!

A heavy recommendation for donations to be given to Black Mesa Indigenous Support! - https://supportblackmesa.org/donate/
